Monday, July 7, 2008

Jana "Before" and "In Process" of Becoming Fabulous on Raw Food!

This is me before I became raw, I was a junk-food vegetarian. I'm looking pretty round, and why didn't anyone tell me my hair looked like a helmet? Sadly, this picture was taken as a "before" picture for yet another diet/exercise program that I wasn't successful at.

These "before" photos make me sad remembering how tired I always was and dissappointed in myself that I couldn't get my act together and lose some weight.

Here's our family picture in April 2008. I had been raw for only 2 months and already looked and felt so much better. 22 pounds long gone!

3 months raw and looking less "round", hurray! Physically and mentally feeling fantastic and loving life. It's amazing what you're body can do if you feed it pure, natural, nutritious and delicious food. Lost: 28 pounds - Found: energy, enthusiasm for life, good attitude, clear skin and eyes, mental focus, strong body and respect for myself.

July 2008 - 4 months raw. I am enjoying so much more of life, like gardening (and shopping for new clothes)! The extra energy I feel every day is wonderful.

Fourth of July 2008, enjoying the sunshine on the porch. In the past you'd have never talked me into a picture in a swimming suit. It is so liberating not to feel so self conscious! Down 34 pounds and I'm almost to the weight I want. Now I'm concentrating more on firming up and flattening out my poochy stomach that has always been my challenge. The best part is feeling so strong and healthy that I look forward to running on my lunch hours. I can run every day now instead of needing a day for my body to recover from the aches and pains between work outs. I actually love it! Call me crazy...go ahead, you know you want to, and I don't mind!


Brooke said...

I don't even recognize you!! You really look fabulous! I am hoping after this baby I will have the courage to do this! You are my hero!! WE love you and miss you!!

Jana said...

Ah shucks, thanks! You're so nice. We totally miss you too!

Peggy said...

I read through your whole blog last night! I'm very curious about the raw diet. I wish I felt like I had the umph to do what it takes to try it. Seems like a lot of work to try new recipies. I don't know about that "taco meat"! LOL! I guess it is all something you would get used to. But, I love a good medium rare filet mignon! Hehe!

Peggy said...

I forgot to also say... are you sure you have more weight to lose??? You look fabulous!

Jana said...

Peggy, It is always hard work to change something you're used to. When we went vegetarian it was so hard to figure out all the products at the grocery store that had animal products in them - almost all of them. But now vegetarianism sounds easy because I did it for awhile! The trick is just getting several new favorite meals which become your core dishes and then trying new ones every now and then to add to your list of "keepers". Hey, that taco meat is so delicious! But I was already used to fake vegetarian meat, so maybe I'm not a good judge of that. hahaha.

McKenna said...

Wow Jana I think that is the best that I have ever seen you look. You also look happy which is hard to do on a diet. I am up reading about it and think that it is something that I want to maybe try with my family. Do you have any suggestions on how to approach it with my older kids though sometimes it is hard to get them to eat what is good for them.

Jana said...

Hi McKenna, Kids usually always like fresh fruit so keep that around for snacks. Fruit smoothies are also great and if you get them to help you make them I bet you could get them to try green smoothies - especially if you gave them some cool name like Shrek Smoothies or something! Green salads are especially good if you slice strawberries in them and look better, too. The taco recipe is yummy and you can make it as a salad or use leafy lettuce as shells. Lots of yummy, colorful food and some creative thinking is the key to get kids to eat foods that are nutritious. Now if I could just get my kids to eat this way! hahaha!

Jana said...
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McKenna said...

Thanks Jana! I printed some of your recipes and are going to try and see what happens. Those are some really great ideas! Thanks for the help!

Unknown said...

Hi Jana. I came across your blog and have read the entire thing and I have to say you have left me feeling very inspired that I can go raw! I have 60 pounds to lose and have been feeling prompted for some time now to go raw. I have two reservations though--The first, have you found it extremely costly? Second, my husband is a meat-eater all the way. I've tried to sway him on going raw, but it's a no-go! Do you think I could be successful at being raw while still preparing him and my kids meat dishes? Or will it be too difficult to achieve without having the entire family go raw?

I also wanted to ask you, how long did it take for any cravings you may have had to go away when you started going raw?

I love your blog and I hope you don't mind me stopping by often to check out your recipes. They look scrumptious.

Jana said...

Hi Rachel, nice to meet you! I'm glad you found my blog helpful - that was my goal. And good for you wanting to get more healthy. I thought your questions were so great that I'm going to answer them in a post. Come back as often as you like, I'll try to keep adding good information and yummy recipes for you to try.